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Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers

October 27th, 2022

South Kent School Launches A Teaching Fellow Residency Program in Fall 2022

South Kent School is pleased to announce the start of the South Kent School Teaching Fellow Residency (SKSTFR), a fellowship program that offers aspiring or early-career educators an opportunity for a hands-on teaching and mentorship experience in an intimate and prestigious boarding school setting. 

This innovative two-year program allows recent college or university graduates and those pursuing a higher degree in education the ability to explore a boarding school career through a collaborative cohort opportunity in the South Kent School learning community.

In our inaugural year, South Kent has three (3) teaching fellows, Mrs. Sarah Cassidy, Ms. Sadie Cohen, and Mr. Ross Leblond, who have become key members of the Humanities and STEM teaching teams. Within the classrooms, these fellows observe colleagues' courses to witness a variety of instructional and classroom management practices so that they can eventually plan and teach their own courses and lessons. They also engage in all other aspects of life on campus, from providing support to students in the classroom and the Academic Resource Center to acting as advisors, coaches, and dorm parents, to attending Chapel, meals, Assembly, and other school functions. 

Directed by Dr. Relinde de Greef, who was the previous Director of a similar program at St. Paul’s School, the program provides training and mentorship for young educators while offering so much more to the School and its constituents. Through the fellowship program, these dedicated community members provide additional support to students, teachers, and parents while working towards their own career goals and professional development.  

Andrew Jensen and Ivan Castro explain more about the program and our three teaching fellows in their article in the Cardinal News Network: “With the Teaching Fellows Residency Program, South Kent School hopes to help prepare the next generation of teachers.” 

They go on to quote Dr. de Greef: “It is imperative that those new to our teaching profession receive ample support and guidance to ensure their success. The SKS Teaching Fellows Program seeks to provide such support and guidance so that the Fellows can thrive as teachers.”

Dr. de Greef herself is dedicated to learning excellence and is excited to bring her wealth of teaching experience, program knowledge, and passion for training and supporting young educators to South Kent School to establish the SKSTFR in its inaugural year. 

Learn more about Dr. de Greef here.