Futures Literacy: Competency-Based Mastery Learning

The Mastery Learning model asks students to develop knowledge and master competencies that can be easily transferred to a real-world context. Instead of focusing on content management and retention of siloed subject matter, our interdisciplinary approach encourages students to make connections across subjects, fostering a holistic understanding of everyday challenges. Through project-based learning, students gain practical experience and problem-solving skills, applying their knowledge in meaningful ways so that they are well-positioned for the world that awaits them. This dynamic curriculum equips students with the tools they need to excel in a diverse and ever-evolving landscape. 

South Kent’s Core Competencies:

South Kent’s teaching methods are aimed at educating the whole student through the development of South Kent’s Core Competencies. 

Critical Thinking: Students analyze, examine, evaluate, and interpret information and apply creative thought to form an argument, solve a problem, or reach a conclusion.

Emotional Resilience: Students recognize and manage their emotions and empathize with others to nurture healthy relationships and make responsible decisions. 

Collaboration: Students leverage the diverse strengths of their learning community, take responsibility for their actions, and hold each other accountable to fulfill a common purpose.

Stewardship: Students connect their behavior, values, and individual growth to their beliefs through reflection and appreciation of the traditions and faiths of others. 

South Kent School’s electives, arts, and futures literacy offerings provide our students with additional opportunities to expand and develop their interests and passions. The block schedule allows our students to explore offerings outside of the school’s compulsory courses, such as visual art and music, engineering and design, finance, entrepreneurship, and computer science.

The arts and electives curriculum is a critical component in our students’ school experience as it empowers the imagination and enhances the boys’ ability to prepare, adapt, innovate, and thrive in an ever-changing world. Whether they enter with prior knowledge or never having been exposed to the material, South Kent offers a range of courses and options that allow us to help spark creativity and develop the interests of all students as they plan and practice skills for the future.

Futures Literacy is an innovative educational initiative


The Futures Literacy program is an innovative educational initiative designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in our 21st-century world. This program offers a unique curriculum encompassing a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, robotics, technology, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship, finance, mental health, and healthy living. Students engage in project-based learning, problem-solving challenges, and real-world applications to gain experience in these critical areas. By preparing students for the literacy of the future, this curriculum empowers them to adapt, innovate, and excel in a dynamic and increasingly technology-driven global landscape.



Elements of Mastery Learning

1. Whole-Student Skill Development

2. Frequent Individualized Feedback

3. Real-World Problem Solving

4. A Curriculum that Extends Beyond the Classroom

5. Intrinsic Motivation & Autonomy

6. Performance-Based Transcripts

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