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Walter Moore Named Northeast Assistant Coach of the Year

January 25th, 2018

Walter Moore has been named the 2017 Northeast Region High School Assistant Coach of the Year by United Soccer Coaches. As a regional coach of the year, Moore – South Kent’s Assistant Prep Soccer Coach and Associate Athletic Director – was honored during the United Soccer Coaches Breakfast on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Moore was nominated by Athletic Director and Head Prep Soccer Coach Owen Finberg with the assistance of Moore’s wife, Art Department Chair Cheryl Moore. As he was not aware of being nominated, Coach Moore was startled when he received an unexpected email in December from the committee announcing his selection, which recognized both him and South Kent’s excellent soccer program.

“I was surprised and honored. I was glad that the wording in the letter included recognition of our program,” he said. “Owen, current and former coaches, and all of the players that have represented our school have built a program that is nationally recognized and admired. It has been a privilege working with my coaching colleagues, and I truly appreciate the support of our entire community. But mostly it's about the boys. Championships and trophies are great, but the relationships with the players and having the opportunity to influence their character development is most rewarding. I thank my wife, Cheryl, for her support, as well as Owen, the team, and our South Kent family.”

In addition to his roles in athletics, Moore is also the Director of College Counseling, “Call to Explore” Affinity Group Coordinator, and Travel Coordinator. Congratulations to Mr. Moore for this well-deserved honor!