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Students Help out Community with Earth Day Clean Up

April 22nd, 2017

Every year for Earth Day, the boys gather and clean up trash on local roadsides in conjunction with the Kent Conservation Commission. Led by head of the Call to Service Affinity Group Father Klots, the boys came together in the assembly hall to coordinate and then splitting up into groups to cover local roads from Kent to the South Kent campus to Gaylordsville, students and faculty put in quite the effort to clean and improve our earth.

Bags and gloves were donated by the Kent Chamber of Commerce(link is external), who have helped us in this endeavor in past years also, along with giving the boys special earth day cakes as a thanks. South Kent is known for cleaning up the largest area in support of the School's continuous effort to combat climate change and help the environment.

Beyond the sustainability-based Center for Innovation curriculum at South Kent, the annual Earth Day Roadside Cleanup is just one more way students are learning to be stewards of the environment. Congratulations to all who were part of the special day. The locals, and more importantly, the Earth, will thank you. Father Klots, who has run the operation many times, had this to say about it: "Earth Day at South Kent has become a great annual tradition, something that many alumni remember vividly.  It is simply our hands-on way of giving thanks for the many blessings we receive through creation.  The whole school takes part, and in a small way, the whole school makes a difference."

View the full Earth Day 2017 photo album here!