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Taek Gi Li ’15 Places Third in Seoul International Music Competition

March 30th, 2017

South Kent School is very happy to announce that alumnus Taek Gi Li of the class of 2015 placed third in the prestigious 2017 Seoul International Music Competition.

The Seoul International Music Competition was established by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Dong-A Ilbo, the most prestigious national newspaper in Korea. The competition is held annually for the categories of piano, violin, and voice, in a rotating sequence, with the aim of promoting cultural exchanges among nations through music, and supporting talented young musicians from all over the world.

During his time at SKS, Taek Gi Lee was the first place winner of Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition. Lee also performed with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 2014. He has been featured on the WNPR radio programs Where We Live and From the Top. Other news outlets such as Happening in the Hills have also taken notice of Lee’s talents.

After graduation Taek went on to attend the prestigious Juilliard School of Music.

“While our Head of School was visiting Seoul in March with his family, Taek Gi invited us to attend his 2nd round performance. We were thrilled to encourage him and enjoy his performance. Taking time to watch Taek’s performance and support an alumnus was a special treat in Mr. Vadnais’ busy schedule during his visit to Seoul. Once we are part of the SKS community, we are family forever!” said Dr. Sarah Sung Lee, SKS Music Director

Please enjoy this recording of Taek's fantastic performance.