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Dr. Charles P. “Doc” Whittemore ’39 Obituary

January 19th, 2017

It is with a heavy heart that I report the passing of Dr. Charles P. “Doc” Whittemore ’39 at Noble Horizons in Salisbury, CT on January 15th.  A part of the very spirit of South Kent School, Doc graduated in 1939 and returned to the School as a member of the faculty in 1943. Well-loved by students and faculty alike, Doc retired from teaching in 1988 after 45 years at South Kent. Even after retirement, Charlie was a common sight here on the Hillside, serving as a trustee for many years, and his connections to the School stayed strong; a group of South Kent students visited him in the fall to celebrate his 95th birthday.

A service of remembrance is being planned for May at some point. Full details, as well as remembrances of his life of service to the School, will appear on the School's website when available.


Andrew J. Vadnais

Head of School


If you would like to share any of your memories of Doc please email them to [email protected]. Memories will be posted to the webpage and added to the next issue of The Hillside. Also, if you are not already a member, please feel free to join the SKS alumni group where there are already a number of alumni sharing their memories. 