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South Kent Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Czech Exchange

April 16th, 2015

The Czech and American group at Kromeriz Chateau

South Kent School's Czech Student Exchange Program celebrated its 10th consecutive year with a trip to Brno, Czech Republic!

Nine SKS students (Sixth Former Alexi Taliadouros '15, Fifth Formers Bryce Mann, Colton Loomis, Liam Delehanty, Christian Lupardi, Ryan Moore, Kyle Warren, Taylor Williams, and Fourth Former Tyler Haywood) took part in this year's trip, along with faculty chaperones Patrick Crowley '08 and Sarah Pfeffer. The group left South Kent School on Friday, April 16th and returned on Sunday, April 26th. The SKS group was hosted by a secondary school in Brno called Gymnázium tr. Kpt. Jarose Brno. Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, next to Prague.

The exchange program offered students from both countries an opportunity to learn about a different culture and educational system. The South Kent students learned about the history of central Europe. They visited Vienna (Austria), Prague, and Kromeriz, and participated in local Brno activities such as a 33-step rope course and VIDA Science Centrum. Czech and American students rotate bi-yearly between trips to the Czech Republic and South Kent. 

See more of the group's adventures on the School's Facebook page and Bryce Mann's travel blog.