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CFI Expansion in the Library

October 14th, 2015

The boys hard at work in the new CFI lab

The Center for Innovation is a program that embraces change. To consistently provide students with the cutting edge academic excellence that South Kent School is known for the program adapts to the changing world around it. One of the best examples of this evolution is the inclusion of a new lab area located in the school’s library. The room has been set up to accommodate some of the CFI’s cutting edge classes including applied technology courses and thought incubation.

The robotics program, led by Anthony Larson, is a huge part of the expansion. Last year the boys entered a robotics competition with other schools where they had to complete a certain goal given to them by the panel. The challenge changes every year, so the different schools need to build a specific robot, from physical components to coding, ground up. The new space has a regulation size robotics competition arena for the boys to practice throughout the year leading up to the event. The lab will also feature classes that are more abstract and don’t teach how to build technology, but how to think creatively and collaboratively. Mark Berghold is in charge of several classes that guide students through innovative projects that will help our environment such as a methane biodigester and creating different methods of water filtration.

The creation of this new space is the next step in CFI expansion that will culminate with the construction of the Innovation and Sustainable Design Lab at the North Campus in the upcoming year. The new building will have much more space for the robotics program, which will be growing exponentially now that it has the lab in the library to spread its wings in. On top of the robotics and Imagineering classes, the new building will also feature a wood shop, metal shop, teaching kitchen and sustainable design lab. All of these elements will come together to make South Kent’s CFI even more of a desirable destination for students who wish to become well-rounded, world-ready individuals.

For more pictures of the lab, visit the Center for Innovation's Facebook page HERE.