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Top South Kent Students in American Mathematics Competition Announced

April 26th, 2018

This year, Fourteen South Kent School students participated in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) held by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). Math Department Chair J. Scott Farley hosts the South Kent chapter of this competition every year.

“South Kent has also sent a number of students over the years to the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), which is like the Olympics for mathematics,” Farley says.

Students here on the Hillside participated in the AMC 10/12, the oldest and most prestigious mathematics contest in the United States. According to the MAA’s website, the “American Mathematics Competitions program leads the nation in strengthening the mathematical capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. Through classroom resources and friendly competition, the MAA AMC program helps America’s educators identify talent and foster a love of mathematics.”

This competition is entirely voluntary and the 14 South Kent students who took on the challenge were enthusiastic and excited for the opportunity. The students took a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination in February. When the results came out recently, Farley announced the top three students in both the Lower and Upper Forms, respectively.
The top three in the Lower Forms are Yiwen “Kevin” Yin ’20 with gold,  Bowen “Kevin” Yao ’21 with silver, and Yujie “Ryan” Miao ’20 with bronze. In the Upper Forms, the top three were: Yipei Tang ’18 with gold, Oliver Widiasana ’19 with silver, and Yunhai “Oliver” Zhao ’19 with bronze.

Below is a full list of South Kent participants in the AMC:

Zhenghao Dong ’19
Michael Gebhardt ’18
Shiqi Hu ’18
Rong Huang ’19
Chengrui Li ’18
Yunze Liao ’19
Yujie Miao ’20
Zhuo Niu ’20
Yipei Tang ’18
Oliver Widiasana ’19
Bowen Yao ’21
Yiwen Yin ’20
Yunhai Zhao ’19
Jiashu Xie ’19

Congratulations to our winners and bravo to all of the participants! To learn more about the MAA and AMC, visit www.maa.org/math-competitions/amc-1012.