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Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

May 25th, 2019

The Prize Day ceremony began on Saturday, May 25th, 2019. On that momentous day, South Kent School graduated their senior and PG students for the 95th time in the school’s rich history. Head of School Lawrence A. Smith '73 recognized each graduate from the Class of 2019 by reading a personal narrative of each graduate's time on the Hillside and then giving them each a handshake. The closeness of everyone on campus was palpable in these moments.

A highlight of the Prize Day celebrations was the awarding of an honorary diploma to Rev. Stephen B. Klots. Lawrence A. Smith ’73 read read Father Klots' diploma, “Father Klots, for your many years of dedicated service to the Hillside as chaplain, teacher, mentor and friend, the Board of Trustees enthusiastically grants this diploma as an honorary graduate of South Kent School. Your guidance, care, and love have been life-changing for decades of boys who have attended the School. The high standards that you set are exemplary to your colleagues. Your wisdom, humility, and institutional memory are second-to-none. Truly, you are the heart and the soul of South Kent School. May God bless you and be with you always.”

After the reading of the diplomas, the annual awards for the special day were handed out, with the Headmaster's Cup going to Yunhai Zhao. See a full list of award winners from Prize Day below.

Prize Day Award Winners

William P. Gillette ’29 Trophy: Nicholas Alden Dineen.

John C. Farr ’58 Trophy: Tatsunori Yuzuki

The Paul and Terese Abbott Cup: William Thomas Poncy

The Mary Flemming Brown and Arthur Wood Brown Award:  Yuhao Li

The George and Maggie Bartlett Cup: Robert Kennedy Staring

The S.S.B. Cup: Tatsunori Yuzuki

The James S. Johnson Cup: Oliver Gregory Widiasana

The Headmaster’s Cup: Yunhai Zhao

Cum Laude Inductees

Yuhao Li, Yunhai Zhao, Jiashu Xie, Rong Huang

Faculty Cum Laude Inductee

Lawrence A. Smith ’73

The second half of the Prize Day program took place in St. Michael's Chapel. Each of the graduates received a diploma and a blessing from South Kent Chaplain Reverend Stephen Klots. The festivities concluded with a reception for the parents, friends and students outside in the courtyard.

The Sixth Form Banquet happened on the Friday before Prize Day. The graduating class, joined by their families, gathered for chapel and dinner one final time as South Kent School students. The night featured the presentation of academic awards as well as the annual student-peer toasts. This treasured South Kent tradition is one of the most anticipated parts of the weekend as it gives each graduating boy the chance to publicly honor and praise one of their brothers on the Hillside. The Senior and PG award winners for the night are listed below.

Senior & PG Award Winners

Bartlett English Prize: Oliver Widiasana

Lester Wittenberg Drama Prize: Kyoung Hoon Kim

Language Prize: YunZe Liao

Humanities Prize: Yuhao Li

George D. Knopf Science Prize: Rong Huang

Mathematics Prize: Jiashu Xie

Art Prize: Kyoung Hoon Kim

Chapel Reading: Prize Paul Messina

Music Prize: Yunhai Zhao

Pigtail Prize: Yuhao Li

AMG Prize: Hunter Kochiss

Scholastic Improvement Award: William Amory

Academic Leader of the Sixth Form: Jiashu Xie

Call to Service All-Star: Jack Henderson, Spencer Kring, Yuhao Li. William Poncy, Robert Staring

Call to Adventure Prize: Shane Hauck

Call to Explore Prize: Oliver Widiasana

CFI Prize: Yi Sun

Both events went off without a hitch and sent our talented graduates off on a high note. We will miss all those who are leaving the Hillside but hope the Hillside never leaves the boys. We look forward to seeing our graduating seniors come back as alumni soon!

Click HERE to see all our pictures from the Graduate Banquet

Click HERE to see our pictures from Prize Day