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2018-2019 Prefect Declarations

May 7th, 2018

The selection process for naming the 2018-2019 South Kent School prefects began on Monday, May 7, 2018. The candidates declared their intentions to the community by stepping up to the prefect table and knocking twice, symbolizing their commitment.

At South Kent School, the prefect system is an essential and time-honored tradition, as is the selection process. These rising Sixth Form students are taking the next step in their Hero's Journey.

The following is the final list of candidates:    

  • Nicholas Dineen
  • Zhenghao Dong
  • Hunter Kochiss
  • Yuhao Li
  • Paul Messina
  • Jack Robilotti
  • Robert Staring
  • Garrett Sundquist
  • Oliver Widiasana
  • Jiashu Xie
  • Yunhai Zhao 

The all-school Prefect Town Hall will be held Thursday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m in the Assembly Hall. The Town Hall allows each potential prefect an opportunity to formally present himself to the community and answer questions. This annual event allows candidates to demonstrate their qualifications for receiving a prefect position. Stay tuned to our website and social media to see pictures and video from the event!