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Chapel Rededication

April 25th, 2018

It was a momentous spring evening as the faculty, staff, and students were joined by alumni and friends for the Rededication of St. Michael’s Chapel. The chapter fire occurred just over a year ago, and the chapel has been beautifully restored since then.

The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Bishop Diocesan of The Episcopal Church in Connecticut was the Celebrant. The Rev. Stephen B. Klots gave the sermon, speaking of memories from the night of the fire and how God’s grace led him to say prayers and offer  the sacrament to students and faculty on campus at the time.

"My friends, one year and six days ago I asked for your prayers when we suffered a terrible fire in St. Michael's Chapel here at South Kent School. Tonight we celebrated its rededication in a service presided over by the Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, Bishop of Connecticut. Thank you to all for your prayers, kind words, and support over this last year. The chapel is beautiful, and the service was amazing. Thanks be to God!" said The Reverend Stephen B. Klots during the service.

The Kent Volunteer Fire Department, as well as other first responders in Gaylordsville, were honored with a standing ovation. Additionally, the Class of 1967 donated a new silver communion set, which was blessed with a prayer.

Visiting Clergy included The Rt. Rev. Donald Hart ‘55, Bishop of Hawaii (retired); The Rev. Michael Corrigan ’64; The Rev. Kate Kelderman, Chaplain, Kent School; The Rev. David McIntosh, Associate Rector, St. Andrew’s Church, Kent; The Rev. Roger White, Rector, St. Andrew’s Church, Kent; The Rev. Andrew Zeman ‘64, Rector, St. George’s Church, Middlebury, and The Rev. Salin Low..

Multiple South Kent School students read scripture and prayers aloud, the piano prelude was played by Yunhai “Oliver” Zhao ’19, and the Student/Faculty Chorus sweetly sang the Communion Anthem, “Locust Iste.”

This special service was followed by a delicious prime rib dinner welcome to all attendees in the dining hall. We thank everyone who took part in the rededication today and are grateful to all our alumni and friends who supported the Chapel in the rebuilding process!