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South Kent Teacher to Represent New England at National Environmental Conference

October 9th, 2018

On October 10th, South Kent School science teacher Emily Carreiro will head to the 47th annual North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) conference in Spokane, Washington. Carreiro is attending as the Interim President of the New England Environmental Education Alliance (NEEEA) and will represent the only New England private school in attendance.

Although she has been attending NEEEA conferences for about 15 years and has been a member of the board for eight, this will be the first year Carreiro will participate in a conference at the national level. As interim president of the NEEEA, she has been working closely with colleagues nationally to assist with the organization’s transition. Carreiro’s efforts awarded her a scholarship, which helped her attend the prestigious conference, which will span three days through the 13th.

“I have been working and volunteering in Environmental Education for most of my life and I feel honored, humbled, and exuberant to attend representing New England. It is also a unique opportunity to be the only independent school represented in NEEEA and in the vast minority at NAAEE,” Carreiro says. “At the regional level, South Kent is standing out as a leader by supporting this work. I am eager to discuss the role of independent schools in EE [Environmental Education] with my colleagues at the national level.” Carreiro is especially looking forward to the Affiliates Workshop, where she will have the opportunity to discuss “issues and triumphs” with leaders from other regions.

South Kent offers ecology and advanced environmental science courses as well as a college-level earth system science class through Syracuse University Project Advance. Moreover, the School is a leader in environmental sustainability studies through its Center for Innovation program.