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Winter and Spring Athletics Awards 2019

May 21st, 2019

The Winter and Spring Athletics Awards honor the top athletes on our JV Basketball, Varsity Basketball, Prep Basketball, Cardinal Hockey,  U15 National Hockey, U16 National Hockey, Golf, Varsity Baseball, Varsity Lacrosse, Crew, and Tennis teams. 

The winners are:


JV Basketball

  • Mason Morgan - Most Valuable Player
  • Loic Rwagasana - Most Improved Player
  • Howard Li - Coaches Award 

Varsity Basketball

  • Jaylen Buckhannan - Most Valuable Player 
  • Landon Sartori - Coaches Award 

Cardinal Hockey

  • Jemmy Chen - Most Improved Player
  • Sheng Xue - Most Improved Player
  • Jinghao He - Most Improved Player
  • Zhenghao Dong - Coaches Award 
  • Yunze Liao - Coaches Award 
  • Mingjun Xu - Coaches Award 
  • Nick Demartino - Coaches Award 
  • Josh Romanowski - Most Valuable Player
  • Ryan Chu - Most Valuable Player

U-15 National Hockey

  • Cam MacDonald - Most Valuable Player
  • Ryan Greene - Offensive Player of the Year
  • Eli Barnett - Defensive Player of the Year
  • Copeland Fricker - Coaches Award 
  • Zach Bye - Most Improved Player

U-16 National Hockey

  • Victor Czerneckianair - Offensive Player of the Year
  • Jack Williams - Most Valuable Player
  • Aiden Ehresman - Defensive Player of the Year
  • Felikss Gavars - Most Improved Player
  • Ryan Miknich - Coaches Award 



  • Zhuo "Prince" Niu - Richard P. Hart Cup
  • Thomas Barbati - Henry D. Booth Cup


  • Will Amory - Most Valuable Player
  • Felikss Gavars - Most Valuable Player
  • Aiden Ehresman - Most Improved Player

Varsity Baseball

  • Spencer Kring - Silver Slugger Award
  • Trevor Giwerowski - Duane Stone Pitching Award
  • Paul Messina - Most Improved Player
  • Tatsunori Yuzuki - Most Valuable Player

Varsity Lacrosse

  • Edward Martino - Most Valuable Player
  • Zachary Bye - Golden Crosse
  • Jules Manes - Coaches Award


  • Frank Djurasevic & Victor Czernecki-Anair - George H. Huntington III Tennis 1963 Team Cup
  • Yunze Liao - Waller Tennis Cup

Congratulations to all of the winners!