Hillside Updates

  • South Kent School Turns 91!

    September 26th, 2014

    South Kent School Turns 91!
    Noble F. Richards '49 speaks to the students on Founders' Day Today, South Kent School celebrates its 91st anniversary, or Founders’ Day. Founded on September 26, 1923 by Reverend Frederick Herbert Sill, Samuel Slater Bartlett and Richard M. Cuyler, South Kent is stronger than ever ...

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  • Students from Kazakhstan Arrive for Cultural Exchange

    July 20th, 2014

    Students from Kazakhstan Arrive for Cultural Exchange

    A new group from Kazakhstan was welcomed on Monday, July 21, 2014 at South Kent School. This is the second group within a year from the country to come on a cultural exchange. Like the first, proposals were sent from multiple institutions and the government of Kazakhstan selected South Kent as host school for the visit.

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  • Call to Adventure Takes New Heights

    May 26th, 2014

    Call to Adventure Takes New Heights

    The Call to Adventure has taken new heights! Patrick Bonis, South Kent School’s Director of the Affinity Group program, led a group of four students to Colorado and Utah this spring. In the Call to Adventure, students are challenged to leave their comfort zones and develop the confidence to handle unfamiliar situations while simultaneously fostering a sense of stewardship for the environment.

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  • WNPR: Taek Gi Lee: CT Student, Pianist Extraordinaire

    March 25th, 2014

    WNPR: Taek Gi Lee: CT Student, Pianist Extraordinaire

    Having won the 2014 Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition, South Kent School's own Taek Gi Lee '15 has seen his share of press recently. An interview with Lee is now featured in an article on WNPR's "Where We Live" by producer Lydia Brown.

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  • South Kent Students Lead "Thriller" Flash Mob in Kent

    November 1st, 2013

    South Kent Students Lead "Thriller" Flash Mob in Kent

    “Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood, to terrorize your neighborhood…” These words are very familiar to people across the world, especially at this time of year. But this Halloween, students from South Kent School brought Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to life.

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  • Phase I of Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village Complete

    September 17th, 2013

    Phase I of Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village Complete

    2013 has been packed with activities and improvements on the South Kent School grounds. On February 16, we broke ground for the Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village and much has developed since. There has been a need for new housing and now, faculty members and their families will be able to enjoy the benefits of the village.

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  • Students Help Raise First Classroom at CFI

    June 3rd, 2013

    Students Help Raise First Classroom at CFI

    On Friday, May 31, 2013 students enrolled in the Historic Building Technologies course worked with New England Barn Company to erect the frame of the first classroom building (a two-story 30’ x 40’ timber frame structure) at South Kent School’s Center for Innovation (CFI).

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  • The Chapel

    May 1st, 2013

    The Chapel

    At last the South Kent chapel is completed. As the years have progressed the school has grown. The infirmary has been built and together with that the school has received sundry other improvements. Yet not until this year can we say that South Kent is nearly complete in buildings.

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  • English Teacher Matt Winkler Does It Again! 2nd Ted-Ed Video Published in Four Months

    April 18th, 2013

    English Teacher Matt Winkler Does It Again! 2nd Ted-Ed Video Published in Four Months

    With over 265,000 views on his first educational video for Ted-Ed, Matthew Winkler, educational technology coordinator and English teacher at South Kent School, aims to repeat his success with the release of his newest video lesson, “Who Invented Writing.”

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  • Groundbreaking for Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village

    February 14th, 2013

    Groundbreaking for Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village

    Faculty members of South Kent School and their families will soon be able to enjoy new housing as the school held a groundbreaking for the Richard H. Lawrence, Sr. Faculty Village on Saturday, February 16, 2013.

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